9 Pre-IB English Short Story Links

1ST NINE WEEKS                     check online data bases for other journal quality full text articles 

I: THE SHORT STORY  Source: Literature: Reading .Reacting. Writing          by Kirszner and Mandell

Old Milon"     Look for "Father Milon"  under link         (teacher handout) Guy de Maupassant  

"Crossing Into Poland"    ( Crossing the River Zbrucz)   

                1st link                                                                                                

               2nd link 

ACTIVE READING                                         

"The Secret Lion" 43 Alberto Alvaro Rios                                                                  

  Guy de Maupassant

    2nd link                                                                               


  "A Rose for Emily" 80 William Faulkner  


"A &P" 105 John Updike                                                                           

POINT OF VIEW and STYLE                                   

"A Clean, Well-Lighted Place"   Ernest Hemingway

   second link 


"Young Goodman Brown" Nathaniel Hawthorne        

SYMBOL & SETTING                                                                            

"The Chrysanthemums" 326   John Steinbeck

THEME: Coming of Age in America 

  "Doe Season" David Michael Kaplan

 "Greasy Lake" 397 T. Coraghessan Boyle                            

 "A Woman on the Roof" 524 Doris Lessing

 "Where are You Going, Where Have You Been?" 579 

                  Joyce Carol Oates                                                                                   





        Guy Maupassant

   Isaac Babel

 "Smooth Talk"  Scene from an adaptation of "Where Are You Going; Where Have you Been?"


     Nathaniel Hawthorne

    T.Coragessan Boyle